1. Managerial personnel
Department of Finance
Department of Human Resources
Department for Occupational Safety
2. Scientific-research laboratories:
Laboratory № 20 «Laboratory of geoecotechnologies»
Svetlana Mesyats, Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory№ 22 «Laboratory of complex development and economics of mineral resources»
Oleg Nagovitsyn, PhD (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory№ 24 «Laboratory of technological processes of mineral recovery»
Sergey Kozyrev, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Laborator
Department of Rock Mechanics
Anatolii Kozyrev, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department
• Sector of Geomonitoring and Slope stability
Vadim Rybin, Dr.Sci.(Eng.), Head of the Sector
• Sector of Prediction of rockburst hazard of rock deposits
Inna Semenova, Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of the Sector
• Laboratory of Instrumental studies on rocks conditions at the Russian Arctic zone
Aleksandr Zemtsovskii, PhD (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory № 27. Laboratory of fluid geodynamics
Anatolii Kalashnik, PhD (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory № 29. Laboratory of flotation reagents and complex mineral processing
Galina Mitrofanova, PhD (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory № 31. Laboratory of preliminary concentration and ore preparation of mineral raw materials
Sergey Tereshchenko, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory № 32. Laboratory of new technological processes and devices
Segrey Opalev, PhD (Eng.), Head of the Laboratory
Laboratory №34. Laboratory of physical-chemical and mineralogical-technological methods to manage mineral raw materials
Segrey Gusak, PhD (Eng.). Head of the Laboratory
3. Engineering Centre:
Sector № 36. Pilot processing plant
Oleg Areshin, Head of the Sector
4. Auxiliary departments:
Office of Public relations
Office of International relations