● Department of Mining, Earth sciences and Environmental engineering, Apatity branch of the Murmansk Arctic State University, http://www.arcticsu.ru/
Sergey Tereshchenko, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of Department
● Department of Mining, Apatity branch of the Murmansk State Technical University, http://af.mstu.edu.ru/
Lukichev Sergey, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of Department
The Apatity Branch of the Murmansk Arctic State University has the right to qualify mining engineers in the following specialties: Open pit mining, Underground mining of ore deposits, Mineral processing, and Electrification and automation of mining production.
The Apatity Branch of the Murmansk State Technical University trains mining engineers (specialists) in two specialties: Underground mining of mineral deposits and Open pit mining. The first 2.5 years the students are educated in Murmansk (general technical disciplines); during the next 3.5 years - in Apatity.
Employees of the Institute perform teaching activities in the Apatity Branch of the Murmansk Arctic State University and the Apatity Branch of Murmansk State Technical University.