About Institute
The Institute carries out fundamental and applied research under the scientific and methodological guidance of the Department of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, aimed at obtaining new knowledge in the field of mining sciences - exploration and development of the mineral resource base of Russia on the basis of a comprehensive integrated approach to mining, processing of ore and technogenic raw materials, modernization of equipment and solving environmental problems.
It is the only mining academic institution in the North-West Russia, with its leading role in the scientific support of the development of major mining enterprises in the Russian Barents region.
There are 8 laboratories in the structure of the Institute: geoecotechnology; theory of complex development and preserving the mineral resources; technological processes of mineral recovery; geofluidomechanics; flotation reagents and complex mineral processing; pre-concentration and ore preparation of mineral raw materials; new technological processes and apparatuses; physical-chemical and mineral-technological methods of control of mineral raw materials, as well as the Department of Geomechanics (which includes three laboratories: geomonitoring and stability of open pit slope; predicting the rock burst hazard of ore deposits; instrumental studies of rock conditions in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation) and pilot enrichment plant.
Mining Institute – Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre «Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (MI KSC RAS)
The Institute has 199 employees, including 5 doctors of sciences, 20 candidates of sciences.
The Institute holds leading positions in a number of priority fundamental and applied areas of mining sciences, such as: development of ore deposits in complex mining and geological conditions; digital technologies for engineering support of mining operations; geomechanical support of mining safety; integrated processing of mineral raw materials; preservation and development of technogenic deposits; monitoring of technogenic impact on the environment; restoration of natural ecosystems.
In these areas, on the basis of fundamental and applied research, major innovative developments have been implemented in recent years at many mining enterprises in the Murmansk region, as well as in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East: methodology for increasing the slope angles of the final sides of open pits at existing and projected deposits; the MINEFRAME mining and geological information system; an underground test site of federal significance and a comprehensive method for assessing the energy characteristics and the relative explosive effect of the mining operations; and a comprehensive method for evaluating the energy characteristics and the relative explosive effect of the mining operations; system of complex assessment of stress-strain state of rock massif; system of seismoacoustic monitoring of stability of open pit sides; multilevel system of monitoring of hydraulic structures; technology of enrichment of fine-grained phosphorus-containing raw materials; flotation technology of enrichment of low-sulfide platinum-metal ores; energy-efficient technology of production of high-quality magnetite concentrates; technology of restoration of disturbed lands of mining complex without application of fertile layer;technology of creating a biogeobarrier for the preservation of technogenic deposits in accordance with the principle of self-organization of natural systems and the environmental strategy for the development of mining enterprises.
The Institute is one of the initiators of the Oleniy Ruchey deposit development project in the Khibiny, for the realization of which a wide range of research in the field of mining technology and ore enrichment has been carried out. All the fundamental technological regulations developed by the Institute were incorporated into the designs of the mine and concentrator of the mining and processing plant. Currently, the plant is successfully operating and developing.
Confirmation of the demand for the results of the Institute's activities is the annual fulfillment of 50-60 contracts with production enterprises of the North-West Arctic and other regions of Russia.
Fundamental and applied research is supported by a well-developed experimental base.
The Institute has unique geodynamic and explosive testing grounds, modern equipment for the study of physical and mechanical properties of rocks, experimental mini-enrichment plant, where semi-industrial development of technologies for enrichment of apatitonepheline, copper-nickel, kyanite, chromium, titanium, rare-metal and other ores, both deposits of the Murmansk region and other regions of the country.
The Institute takes an active part in educating students and training engineers for the mining industry at the branch of Murmansk Arctic University in Apatity at the Department of Mining, Earth Sciences and Environmental Management and at the Department of Physics, Biology and Engineering Technologies.
The Institute regularly organizes conferences on digital technologies in mining.
14 employees were awarded State Prizes and Government Awards, 14 employees were awarded orders, 8 employees were awarded honorary titles "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Inventor", "Honored Builder", "Honored Chemist".